SASIG February Newsletter

Editor’s Highlights A short month ends with the Beast from the East whistling-in from Siberia to bring actual temperatures in line with those of diplomatic relations between London and Brussels over Brexit, and some significant travel disruption at many airports...

SASIG January Newsletter

Editor’s Highlights January saw a Cabinet re-shuffle, from which Chris Grayling and Baroness Sugg (as SoS and Aviation Minister respectively) emerged unscathed, although Jo Johnson did replace John Hayes as Transport Minister. Heathrow then began the first of its...

SASIG December 2017

The Secretariat hopes that SASIG Newsletter readers enjoyed a good break over the festive period and offers our belated best wishes to you all for the New Year. There seems little doubt that 2018 is going to be a busy, and potentially also significant year, both for...

SASIG November Newsletter

Editorial A quieter month on the Aviation front as the Budget, Industrial Strategy, Draft London Plan and inevitably Brexit took the policy centre stage. DfT’s re-consultation on the National Policy Statement remains on-going and the Transport Select Committee has...

SASIG October Newsletter 2017

As foreshadowed in September’s newsletter, October was a busy month for Aviation Policy. It started with Secretary of State Chris Grayling’s pronouncement about Heathrow Runway 3 at the Conservative Party conference and ended with a high-powered AoA Annual Conference...

SASIG September Newsletter 2017

This newsletter is relatively brief as Parliament sat only briefly with most of the month being taken up politically with party conferences, Brexit negotiations and various Machiavellian manoeuvrings related thereto. October’s version is likely to be more expansive as...